Sunday, January 30, 2011


Ever since my internship, I think about God ALL the time. Now don't get me wrong, this is a good thing...but sometimes my heart just breaks.

"Give me your eyes for just one second. Give me your eyes so I can see everything that I've been missing, give me your love for humanity."

I prayed this song when I first heard it, and I think it's coming true. God's answering that prayer, because my heart breaks for people who don't know him. And yet I sit by and watch people go in and out of my life and I don't know if I ever have any impact on them for Christ.

And when I say my heart breaks it's not like, "Oh man I am sad for them." It's more like a gut-wrenching thing. Compassion. The Greek word used for compassion means to have a pain deep in the bowels.

Jesus had COMPASSION on people.

How can I get to that place? I want to be compassionate. Christ knew exactly what people needed. He also never got angry when people were so needy and so clingy and probably bothering him all the time. I get angry when someone asks if I can make sure their sandwich is toasted just right.

This is going to be a goal of mine: learn about compassion. What does it mean to be compassionate?

I start working in the high school this week in the ESL classroom. I am SO excited. Please be praying I can be a good influence for Christ on the students around me.

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